Hello Mezcal Week participants!
Thank you for making this year’s event better than ever.
You can use these resources for spreading the word about your event and Mezcal Week in general.
Here are the Mezcal Week logos for download. You must use these logos on any graphic materials when promoting your participation in Mezcal Week. Please do not alter the logos in any way.
Other Marketing Materials
Social Media
Please use #MezcalWeek when promoting your Mezcal Week events or recipes on social media. Please tag @mezcalweek and @mezcalistas, and always use the #MezcalWeek so we can promote your posts and reshare them. Stay in the loop by following us on Facebook and Instagram, and please be sure to announce on Facebook and/or Instagram when you’ve signed up so we can share with our followers!
If you have cocktail recipes or how-tos that you would like to share for promotion during Mezcal Week please send our way at marketing@mezcalistas.com with the subject title: Mezcal Week recipes.
Please direct people to www.mezweek.com or your individual event listing on our website. Thank you!